St. Pius School is a Catholic Community striving to follow the mission of Jesus as we Study, Pray, and Serve

Fabulous Fourth Grade 2020-2021

Fabulous Fourth Grade 2020-2021

Sunday, February 24, 2013

March Happenings

We are all hopeful that the biggest happening in March will be the onset of some warmer temperatures! While we are waiting for spring to arrive we will be busy learning, laughing, and loving in the 4th grade! 'Tis the season of Lent. This is one of my most enjoyable times of the school year because we gather together every Friday to walk with Jesus in the Stations of the Cross. It is truly such a privilege to be able to participate in this beautiful devotion each week. If your schedule allows, please join us each Friday at 2:15! One of our Lenten service projects is providing 50 bag lunches to the Wayne-Wright Community Soup Kitchen. Each class will be providing one aspect of the lunch and we will be making sandwiches and packing the lunches as a school community. What a wonderful way for the children to contribute to those in need in our local community! We are also looking forward to attending the Ann Arbor Museum of Natural History later this month! The students are really looking forward to exploring the dinosaur fossils and visiting the planetarium! We have been discussing bird adaptations and Darwin's finches in science and they have a very large area devoted to this very topic! Think Spring!!