St. Pius School is a Catholic Community striving to follow the mission of Jesus as we Study, Pray, and Serve

Fabulous Fourth Grade 2020-2021

Fabulous Fourth Grade 2020-2021

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy 2010!!!

I hope everyone had a very restful Christmas vacation! It is hard to believe that 2010 is upon us! It seems like only about decade ago we were worried about the Y2K computer glitch! (lol)

Our Christmas party was a lot of fun! The kids did a great job keeping there Secret Santa gift a true secret. All of the kids seemed to really enjoy their gifts and were very polite and thankful!! Thank you to all who helped, especially to Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Smith that got the ice cream buffet all set up. Thanks also to all of the parents that donated items for our ice cream buffet! I was truly touched by all of your gifts and Christmas cards. Thank you.

On another note....

Double digit multiplication will begin in about a week. Timed tests will be starting up again this week. Please make sure your child is practicing his/her mulitplication facts every night!!! Don't bother quizzing them on the ones they know, stick to the ones that they have to think about. Double digit multiplication is much easier if these facts are down pat!!!