St. Pius School is a Catholic Community striving to follow the mission of Jesus as we Study, Pray, and Serve

Fabulous Fourth Grade 2020-2021

Fabulous Fourth Grade 2020-2021

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Happy New Year!

I cannot believe that it is 2017 and we are almost half way through our school year!  There are many exciting things to look forward to in the 3rd and 4th Quarters!  In math, students will be learning how to multiply by 2-digit numbers, long division, and how to add and subtract fractions!  Science class will also be very exciting!  We will be wrapping up our solar system unit by making Oreo cookie moon phase posters and then we will move on to exploring plants and animals.  In March, we will be taking another museum field trip in and we will be going to see the Earth Day movie at the MJR in May!  In the mean time, stay safe and bundle up and enjoy some winter outdoor activities with your wonderful kids!!