St. Pius School is a Catholic Community striving to follow the mission of Jesus as we Study, Pray, and Serve

Fabulous Fourth Grade 2020-2021

Fabulous Fourth Grade 2020-2021

Monday, March 14, 2011

March Has Been an Exciting Month!!

The month started with the setting of our Reading Month goal. The Fourth Graders have set a goal of reading 500 hours in the month of March! If they meet this goal we are going to celebrate by throwing a Beach Party! So far we have only read 50 hours so we'll have to get reading if we are going to head to the beach!

We then had our field trip to the University of Michigan's Museum of Natural History. The kids really seemed to enjoy this very educational field trip. We just wrapped up our unit on fossils and the museum houses a wonderful collection of dinosaur fossils, rocks & minerals. The students wowed us with their knowledge of dinosaurs!! We also visited the planetarium - this was really exciting since we just began our unit on the Solar System. Again, your kids know a lot about the planets!! The kids were really well behaved and I was very proud of all of them.

Thursday was our Grandparent's/Special Person's Day. This is one of my favorite days of the year! I love meeting all of your special people and they love seeing your child's friends and school. I think it is wonderful that we all get to go to Mass together and share our faith with one another!

Friday we began our Lenten Stations of the Cross. The students love taking this journey with Jesus. We are truly blessed to be able to spend this time together preparing our hearts for Easter.

Whew, we're only have way through the month! Still to come this month: St. Patrick's Day with a special guest reader, pajama day with a read-in, and reading with the preschool. Please also remember that there is a link on the left to a wonderful site that will take you on Jesus' journey. Please take some time walk this virtual Stations of the Cross.